Rochester Cathedral

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Safeguarding Season 2022- November 8th - 28th

Rochester Cathedral is marking a 3-week season of Safeguarding this year, in which we invite everyone to reflect on the past failures of the Church in protecting children and vulnerable adults, here in Rochester and elsewhere.

 Reports from IICSA, The National Safeguarding Team of the Church of England and the Second Past Cases Review make for humbling and humiliating reading and at Rochester Cathedral we are determined to show genuine contrition; put right wrongs and move forward in ways that ensure that everyone is safe and guarded against harm that is physical, emotional, spiritual or otherwise damaging.

 Our commitment to putting survivors and victims of abuse first is demonstrated not least in the presence of the Loudfence on the Cathedral railings, and anyone is welcome to join in that act of solidarity by tying ribbons.  Further information is accessible via the QR code above, on

 Safeguarding Sunday is Sunday 20th November, and there will be a focus and special prayers at services that day.

 25th November sees the beginning of the Kent and Medway 16 Days of Action End Domestic Abuse campaign, characterised by the slogan KNOW, SEE, SPEAK OUT.  Over 2 million people a year in England and Wales experience domestic abuse; Last year, 5% of adults experienced domestic abuse; In 2020/21 there were 4 domestic abuse-linked deaths a week in England and Wales.  1 in 7 under 18s will have lived with domestic abuse at some point in their childhood and the police receive a call every minute about domestic abuse.