Rochester Cathedral

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Changes to the Constitution and Statutes of Rochester Cathedral

Recently consultations took place with members of the Cathedral community. The aim of these consultations was to allow members of our community to comment on the proposed new Constitution and Statues. These are the governing documents of our Cathedral. They have been rewritten to bring the governance of Rochester Cathedral into accord with the Cathedral Measure 2021.

The new Constitution and Statutes were approved by the Bishop of Rochester and certified by the Church Commissioners and the Charity Commission to take effect from the 6th November 2023.

These bring up to date but fundamentally perpetuate a community charged with holy living, prayer and study and the faithful ministry of the Word and Sacrament, and the forwarding of the purpose of the Cathedral Church as the seat of the Bishop of Rochester and a centre of worship and mission.

The new Constitution and Statutes can be downloaded below

