Rochester Cathedral

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Make a Pilgrim hat

Challenge 1 - Make a Pilgrim hat

This window shows an image of a special person, William of Perth. He was a baker from Scotland who, in the thirteenth century, set off on a pilgrimage (a journey), he hoped to travel all of the way to the Holy Land.

William has a special link to our Cathedral and so we have this window to remind us of him. When we re-open to visitors come and see if you can find his window and find out more about his story.

Since we are starting a journey today, a sort of creative pilgrimage, our first challenge is to make a pilgrim hat. You can design your own style or follow this link to our website where you will find some instructions. We look forward to seeing your creations!

You won’t need any special equipment to take part, just ordinary things you have at home. Newspaper, old cardboard boxes, sticky tape or glue, pencils or crayons – just use what you can find.

Download instructions

About Create and Discover 21 

Welcome to Rochester Cathedral’s brand-new venture, CD21!

CD21 stands for Create and Discover ’21. Throughout 2021 we’ll take you on a journey of discovery around Rochester Cathedral and set 21 creative challenges as we go. CD21 is open to everyone! You can take part as a family, an individual, use it as part of home learning, or just as a bit of fun.

Each fortnight we will set you a creative challenge inspired by something found in the Cathedral – an arty-craft inspired by an artefact! When the Cathedral re-opens, pop in and see if you can spot these beautiful objects in the building and find out a little more about them.

You won’t need any special equipment to take part, just ordinary things you have at home. Newspaper, old cardboard boxes, sticky tape or glue, pencils or crayons – just use what you can find.

We’d love you to share images of your finished work on our Facebook page (younger folk, please ask an adult to do this for you).