A Lent message from the Very Reverend Philip Hesketh, Dean of Rochester Cathedral

Lent isn’t necessarily a time to be sombre.  Rather, it is more an opportunity to take another look at ourselves in the light and love of Jesus Christ.  Over the next five weeks at the Cathedral, we will be following the journey Jesus made to the Cross. During this journey we will ask the question ‘Who is this man – this Jesus’?  – to us personally, to the Church and to our war-ravaged world. 

You are most welcome to join us.  As ever the Cathedral will be full of activity as we welcome visitors, pilgrims, worshippers, children’s groups, volunteers, staff, and the lost and the lonely.  There will be times of noise and moments of pause.  The Cathedral is a small microcosm of the world – full of people with their joys and sorrows, hopes and dreams.  It is this world that God loves and demonstrates that love in Jesus.

From Palm Sunday to Easter Morning the Cathedral takes on a more reflective mood, effectively a stage on which is acted out the great drama of Christ’s Passion.  I hope you enjoy your visit to the Cathedral during this season and you find space yourself to ask the question ‘Who is this man – this Jesus?’

Dean Philip