Who to contact in the Cathedral

The Cathedral Safeguarding Lead

Canon Dr Gordon Giles

email: Gordon.Giles@rochestercathedral.org

The Cathedral Safeguarding Officer

Larry Deabreu 
email: Larry Deabreu larry.deabreu@rochestercathedral.org

Vulnerable Adults Representative

Heather Mason - 07919 543598.

Diocese of Rochester Safeguarding Team

If you wish to talk to someone on the Diocesan Safeguarding team call 01634 560 000, or find further details here.

Other useful numbers

  • If a child, young person or adult is in immediate need of protection the police should be called.

  • Social services in each local authority can also be contacted to advise on a safeguarding concern.

  • A list of helplines offering support on a range of issues can be found on the Church of England’s website at: www.churchofengland.org/safeguarding/reporting-abuse-and-finding-support

  • For victims of domestic abuse National Domestic Violence Helpline 0808 2000 247